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Who Else Wants To Boost Their Affiliate Commissions Without Driving More Traffic Or Building A Bigger List?

Just Plug These In & You're Good To Go!

From the Desk of

Tony Newton

Affiliate marketing.

It's pretty awesome, right?

You get to promote OTHER people's products and get paid for every sale you make.

  • No products to create or source.
  • No customers to deal with.
  • No payment processors to set up.

Just get your affiliate link and spam it all over the internet.

*Sorry, I mean find targeted people that have a particular problem and tell them you've found a solution (wink, wink).

But seriously, it's a business model I've personally been using for over 20 years to make money online.

(Yes, back in the days of 33k modems and dial-up internet.)

Here's my very first earnings from the Amazon Associates program in 2003:


Whilst it was only a tiny amount, it was actually worth FAR more than that.

It was a proof of concept that it was possible for me to make money from home.

And just a year later in 2004, I quit my job and have been full-time online ever since.

But enough about me...

Let's Talk About The Elephant In The Room


It's everywhere.

If you want to make affiliate commissions, then be prepared that you're going to be up against a lot of other affiliates scrambling to make sales.

There are affiliates:

  • Making niche websites.
  • Buying solo ads.
  • Creating YouTube videos.
  • Using Facebook ads.
  • Going viral on TikTok (I don't have those dance moves!)

The list goes on and on.

So it begs the question...

How Do You Get People To Buy Through YOUR Link And Not Someone Else's?

For the majority of affiliate products and launches, there are going to be dozens, if not hundreds, of affiliates promoting at the same time.

And on most affiliate networks, the last click gets the commission.

So you need to INCENTIVIZE people and give them a reason to use your link and not someone else's.

That way, the commission goes to you and not them.

And in over 20 years of being an affiliate, here's the easiest and most effective way I've found of doing it:

Give People A Special Bonus When They Buy Through Your Link

You basically create/source a product that's a good fit and provides extra value for the product you're promoting.

Offer to give it people for free, when they purchase through your affiliate link.

You can even set it up so that your bonus gets delivered automatically on most networks.

People get your bonus and you make more money = win, win.

Naturally though, this won't work if you're offering cheap, crappy PLR products that people have seen millions of times.

You know, the "Buy through my link and you get these 1,001 eBooks about random stuff" brigade.

That just won't measure up in 2023.

You need GOOD products to offer as bonuses.

And that's what I'm going to give you right now...

Introducing Tony's Bonus Stack Of PROVEN Products That You Can Use For Yourself...

Inside Tony's Bonus Stack are 5 of my own products that I've used to make a TON of affiliate commissions.

I've personally offered these as bonuses and boosted my earnings dramatically.

With each product, you can use them as bonuses and give them to people who buy through your affiliate link.

These are PROVEN to boost sales, keep your buyers happy and are so EASY to implement.

(Plus, you get to learn from and use the information inside each one too!).

Here are the products included:

Product #1

Pocket Money Mugs

Pocket Money Mugs is a 25 page .pdf report that teaches people how to start their own print-on-demand mug store on Etsy.

It reveals how to create winning designs, write your listings and how to deliver the mugs without ever having to handle or ship them yourself.

Here's exactly what you'll receive:

  • 25 page .pdf report
  • Report source file (.odt & .doc)
  • HTML bonus page
  • HTML product delivery page
  • Full set-up instructions

You can edit the report, add your own information and then use it as a bonus. It comes complete with an HTML bonus page that you can upload and send your visitors to.

This is a great bonus to add to any product related to eCommerce, Etsy, print-on-demand or creating a side hustle.

In fact, I used this recently as a bonus for an Etsy related product from Stuart Turnbull & Bart Hennin.

Here's the result:

Product #2

The Reel Revolution

The Reel Revolution is a 24 page .pdf report that shows people how to use Facebook Reels to drive a hoard of free traffic to their offers.

It reveals how to create the videos, find trends and post them to get the maximum impact.

Here's exactly what you'll receive:

  • 24 page .pdf report
  • Report source file (.odt & .doc)
  • HTML bonus page
  • HTML product delivery page
  • Full set-up instructions

You can edit the report, add your own information and then use it as a bonus. It comes complete with an HTML bonus page that you can upload and send your visitors to.

This is a great bonus to add to any product related to driving traffic, creating videos or using social media.

In fact, I used this recently as a bonus for a short video product from Jonathan Teng & Jason Yu.

Here was the final competition result:

Product #3

Product Launch Accelerator

Product Launch Accelerator is a 27 page .pdf report that reveals how to create a digital product from start to finish in just 3 days.

It reveals where to find proven ideas, how to create your product for free, how to get other people to promote it for you and lots more.

Here's exactly what you'll receive:

  • 27 page .pdf report
  • Report source file (.odt & .doc)
  • HTML bonus page
  • HTML product delivery page
  • Full set-up instructions

You can edit the report, add your own information and then use it as a bonus. It comes complete with an HTML bonus page that you can upload and send your visitors to.

This is a great bonus to add to any product related to digital marketing, product creation and making money online.

I used this as a bonus for a very popular launch from David Perdew & Jen Perdew Houlk.

Here was the result:

Product #4

The Guaranteed Approval Rolodex

The Guaranteed Approval Rolodex is a 21 page .pdf report that contains 75+ affiliate programs in 7 different niches that guarantee approval.

Many affiliates struggle to get approval for products. This report solves that issue.

It includes the name, sales page link, sign up page and commission % for each program.

Here's exactly what you'll receive:

  • 21 page .pdf report
  • Report source file (.odt & .doc)
  • HTML bonus page
  • HTML product delivery page
  • Full set-up instructions

You can edit the report, add your own information and then use it as a bonus. It comes complete with an HTML bonus page that you can upload and send your visitors to.

This is a great bonus to add to any product related to affiliate marketing, make money online and starting a side hustle.

I use this as part of a bonus stack for an internet marketing product from Brian Brewer.

He sent me this Yeti tumbler when I hit $1,000 earned in commissions:

Product #5

Social Media Motivation Image Pack

The Social Media Motivation Image Pack is a collection of 60 different motivational images.

That's a whole 2 months worth of content that can be added daily to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Here's exactly what you'll receive:

  • 60 motivational images (.png)
  • Ideally sized for all social platforms
  • HTML bonus page
  • HTML product delivery page
  • Full set-up instructions

The pack comes complete with an HTML bonus page that you can upload and send your visitors to.

This is a great bonus to add to any product related to social media or image creation.

I used this as part of a bonus stack for a high ticket social media course from Josh & Niki.

Resulting in high ticket commissions:

So There You Have It, 5 Ready-To-Go Bonuses That You Can Give Away As Your Own!

All these bonuses have been PROVEN to work and bring in additional commissions, which I might not have received otherwise.

You get to give them away separately or bundle them up and give them all away at once, when people buy products through your affiliate link.

And each one comes with it's own HTML bonus page and product delivery page that you can upload to your own web host.

Change a couple of details and use the pages to promote UNLIMITED products.

That means you can earn UNLIMITED commissions and start dominating those launch leaderboards!

Use The Button Below To Order

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And Will Be Automatically Applied On Checkout

But Wait... You Also Get Access To My 'Build A Buyers List For Free' Case Study

In this case study, I'll run you through how I use my bonus products to get PAID buyers directly onto my list, without having to sell anything myself.

You can copy this method instantly and start collecting emails from paying buyers, so you can market to them over and over again.

It's one of the easiest ways to start your own buyers list (by using other people's products!).

You get instant access to it when you buy now.

To Recap - Here's Everything Included

When you grab Tony's Bonus Stack right now, you'll get:

5 PROVEN Products To Use As Bonuses

Source Files (where applicable)

6 HTML Bonus Pages (5 Separate & 1 Bundle)

6 HTML Product Delivery Pages (5 Separate & 1 Bundle)

Full Set Up Instructions

Build A Buyers List Case Study

Use The Button Below To Order

The Coupon Code "STACKSPECIAL" Is Currently ACTIVE
And Will Be Automatically Applied On Checkout

If you have any questions, just use my help desk here.

P.S. - These bonuses are PROVEN to help boost affiliate commissions. You just have to add them to your own promotions.

P.P.S. - There's a 14-day, no quibble guarantee. If you're not happy with your purchase, let me know and I'll refund every penny.

Rights For Each Product:

[NO] Cannot pass on/give away/ sell PLR rights
[NO] Cannot pass on/give away/ sell master resell rights
[NO] Cannot pass on/give away/ sell resell rights
[NO] Cannot give the products away for free
[NO] Can be sold

[NO] Cannot make this into a book / Kindle book
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be given away in return for affiliate commissions (people buying through your links)


DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individuals. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

*This Site Is In No Way Endorsed By Or Related To Facebook, YouTube or Legendary Marketer.

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